AMC Belt


Magneto-inductive device for NDT of rubber belts with metallic core

The use of rubber belt with metallic core in the elevator industry makes it necessary a non-destructive inspection that allows to verify its integrity.
The use of the magneto-inductive technique rather than the traditional visual method is the only possible methodology for this type of ropes consisting of metallic elements covered by a plastic material. AMC has created an ad hoc system for this type of belts called AMC_BELT.
The system is equipped with a mobile and easy to use acquisition unit (Datalogger-DLH) that stores the signal for its subsequent analysis.
However, it is possible to interface the BELT detector to a measuring device for a real-time analysis (IASH).
The device allows a simple, rapid and objective non-destructive test of belts, highlighting defects like broken wires and corrosion.

Device features:
Designed for controlling flat ropes, recently used in the lift sector.
Weight: 2.5kg
Number of belts controlled simultaneously: up to 2
Belt width: up to 32
Magnetic field source: Permanent magnets (NdFeB)
Sensor Type: Coils/Hall sensor
Acquisition system: DLH

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Contact us now

Roel Snijders


  • +31 (0)78 – 654 99 66

Contact details

Jacobus Lipsweg 100, NL-3316 BP - Dordrecht
  • +31 (0)78 - 654 99 66
  • Ma t/m vr geopend om 08:00 - 17:00