

Automatic and continuously lubrication

Simalube lubricators are used millions of times in all branches of the world. They are the best and most economical solution for the continuous supply of grease or oil for periods up to a year.
Simalube lubricators replace expensive lubrication by hand. This not only saves time, but also prevents insufficient or too much lubrication. This allows the costs to be reduced by up to 30 percent.

Once mounted, simalube lubricates consistent, accurate and reliable


  • Simalube 15ml

    simalube 15ml

    • Space-saving thanks to compact size
    • Robust aluminium enclosure
    • Same refill, installation and function as other simalube lubricators
    • Alternative to the simalube multipoint when less than 5 lubrication points are needed
    WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEO Download specifications (pdf)
  • simalube multipoint

    simalube Multipoint

    • 5×8 ml lubricant volume
    • Allows very low lubricant delivery over a long period of time
    • Snap-on connector for multipoint
    • Quick couplings for connecting hoses
    • Ideally suited for lubrication of linear guides
    Download specifications (pdf)
  • Simalube Impulse connect

    simalube IMPULSE connect

    • Connection via Bluetooth®
    • Lubrication impulses of 0.5 ml of oil or grease up to NLGI 2 at a pressure of up to 10 bar
    • Indication of operating condition via flashing LED status display (green/red)
    • Dispensing time can be modified at any time via the lubricator
    • Modular system, fully compatible with 60, 125 and 250 ml simalube lubricators
    • The lubricator can be replaced without removing the simalube IMPULSE
    • Functions perfectly in all positions, even underwater
    WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEO Download specifications (pdf)

Calculation Pro

Calculation Pro is an easy to use mobile app that helps you calculate the following data for your automatic simalube lubricator:

  • Lubricator size (15 to 250 ml)
  • Time setting (1 to 12 months)

The app offers two possibilities:
On the one hand, you can determine the required lubricator size and time setting based on your previous experience.
On the other hand, the amount of lubricant can be determined theoretically for the following applications:

  • Bearings
  • Chains
  • Slide Bearings Axial
  • Slide Bearings Radial

Calculation Pro


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Contact us now

Roel Snijders


  • +31 (0)78 – 654 99 66

Contact details

Jacobus Lipsweg 100, NL-3316 BP - Dordrecht
  • +31 (0)78 - 654 99 66
  • Ma t/m vr geopend om 08:00 - 17:00