AMC has DEVELOPED ad-hoc magnetoinductive tools for ropes adopted in the lifting goods, cableways (ROPE, ROPEX, OPEN) and people (LIFTLC, BELT).
The equipment allows the people involved in the maintenance or verification of ropes, to highlight internal and external defect such as broken wires or cross section reduction (e.g. loss of metallic area, corrosion or abrasion) in a simple, quick and objective way.
The system is composed by A MEASURING HEAD (DETECTOR) connected to an acquisition unit (IASH) that allows to visualize real-time signals and store the data in order to create a report of the test.
As an alternative to IASH, the device can be connected to a mobile acquisition unit (DLH – datalogger) that SAVES THE ACQUIRED the data in a SD card.
The operating principle is based on the magneto-inductive method which today is mandatory (UNI EN ISO 12927-8) for non-destructive testing for wire ropes in the cableways sector (cableway, chairlift, etc.) and subject to regulations (ISO 4309) for goods lifting.
AMC ROPE tools satisfy the homologation requirements imposed by the European standard EN12927/8.
AMC Instruments designs and manufactures custom systems for specific customer requirements.